William F. Butler Award

The William F. Butler award, established in 1972, is presented annually to a distinguished business economist to honor leadership in the field of business economics. In addition to founding both the National Association of Business Economists (NABE) and the NYABE, Dr. Butler was noted for his analytical insight, organizing ability, penetrating wit and genial warmth. To date, forty one outstanding economists have received the William F. Butler Award.

2018 - Lawrence Summers
2017 - Carmen Reinhart
2016 - Olivier Blanchard

2015 - Donald Kohn
2014 - Timothy Geithner
2013 - Alan Blinder
2012 - Robert Shiller
2011 - Charles Steindel

2010 - Paul Krugman
2009 - Frederic Mishkin
2008 - Martin Feldstein
2007 - Richard Berner
2006 - Roger Ferguson

2005 - Glenn Hubbard
2004 - Alice M. Rivlin
2003 - William J. McDonough
2002 - Laurence H. Meyer
2001 - Victor Zarnowitz

2000 - Robert Parker
1999 - Henry Kaufman
1998 - Maurine Haver
1997 - Edgar R. Fiedler
1996 - Erich H. Heinemann

1995 - William B. Franklin
1994 - Peter D. Sternlight
1993 - Gerald E. Corrigan
1992 - Albert M. Wojnilower
1991 - Janet L. Norwood

1990 - David H. Hale
1989 - Robert Ortner
1988 - Marina v. N. Whitman
1987 - Robert G. Dederick
1986 - Saul B. Klaman

1985 - James J. O'Leary
1984 - Francis H. Schott
1983 - George W. McKinney, Jr.
1982 - Otto Eckstein

1980 - Arthur M. Okun
1979 - Tilford C. Gaines
1978 - Paul W. McCracken
1977 - Alan Greenspan
1976 - Albert Sommers

1975 - Lawrence Klein
1974 - Geoffrey H. More
1973 - Paul Volcker